Your chance to get your hands on a FREE Hangsun Water Flosser

Do you love the feeling of having super clean teeth? We are looking for 10 passionate beauty bloggers to test and review our HOC680 Water Flosser on Amazon and one of their social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube or Instagram) – would you like to be one of them? If so, please fill in our application form below by 10th April, and we will then select 10 bloggers who will receive a promo code to claim their FREE product (plus free shipping) on the Amazon website – good luck!

Terms and Conditions: this giveaway is open to UK residents over 18 only. You will need to have a UK amazon to claim your free product, which is redeemed by a digital code which will be emailed to you after May 10th 2017. Entrants will be chosen based on a healthy social media following on the channel where they will share their review.

About the product:

The Hangsun HOC680 Professional Water Flosser makes flossing your teeth easier than ever before. You simply use the ergonomic sleek plastic tip to shoot out quick jets of water to easily dislodge anything stuck between your teeth in a matter of seconds - it’s non-invasive, quick, and efficient.

More powerful and flexible than alternative products, the Hangsun Professional Water Flosser is ideal for those who have braces, bridges, periodontal pockets, sensitive gums and crowns. It facilitates a complete dental clean with additional tips for varied functions.

Your mouth is the gateway to your overall health, so taking good care of your teeth and mouth is essential.

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by Angela

Salve Mi chiamo Angela Donciglio,nella vita ho molte
passioni,e grazie ad esse gestisco un blog con mia sorella dove parliamo
di libri, prodotti di make up,prodotti alimentari e vari prodotti che ci vengono inviati da alcune aziende(molti ci devono arrivare a breve)e
vengono molto apprezzati dai nostri seguaci. Di solito, contattiamo solo
aziende che riteniamo molto valevoli, ci piace conoscere e far conoscere
a chi ci segue prodotti per cui vale la pena acquistare ,svolgendo il
nostro lavoro di blogger nel miglior modo possibile.Abbiamo visionato la
vostra “vetrina” e ne siamo rimaste piacevolmente colpite e per questo
ci piacerebbe moltissimo poter testare e recensire i vostri prodotti.
Vi lascio qui i link del nostro Blog

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Se volete
collaborare con noi nell’inviarci un vostro prodotto,noi lo proviamo e vi
facciamo pubblicità parlandone e consigliandolo sul nostro blog e social.
Aspettiamo una vostra risposta! A presto Angela